Team Defence Australia


01 O projekcie

Rozmiar: 357 sqm
Konstrukcja: Smart Design Expo
Targi: DSEI 2021

Rozmiar: 357 sqm
Konstrukcja: Smart Design Expo
Targi: DSEI 2021
Projekt: DesignTeam

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02 Opinia klienta

„HUGE THANK YOU for all the work you have done for this TDA DSEI 2021 project.
(…) all the feedback we have received so far has been extremely positive, and that couldn’t have happened without your help”.
Michelle Baeni –...

„HUGE THANK YOU for all the work you have done for this TDA DSEI 2021 project.
(…) all the feedback we have received so far has been extremely positive, and that couldn’t have happened without your help”.
Michelle Baeni – Designteam

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Team Defence Australia

DSEI 2021 357 sqm

Team Defence Australia

DSEI 2021 357 sqm

Team Defence Australia

DSEI 2021 357 sqm

Team Defence Australia

DSEI 2021 357 sqm


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